Our latest coop design is ready! It’s called The Basic Coop, and chicken coop plans and hardware kits are now available. Take a look. . .
“It’s affordadurable!“
Okay, so that’s not quite as catchy as “the quicker-picker-upper,” but it captures what we love most about the The Basic Coop — it’s affordable, durable, and simply adorable.
You can build this beauty for about $200. That’s a great price, better than what you’d pay for even the cheapest chicken coop kit at Costco. And with a pre-packaged hardware kit (U.S. only), you can save even more.
But price is only part of it. You get the fun and reward of building a coop that will last. And you can paint and decorate it however you want, so no two need ever look the same.
Read more about The Basic Coop stand-alone chicken coop here.
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