Heidi’s Oregon Garden Ark Coop/Hutch for Bunnies

The Garden Ark modified to house two rabbits.

Heidi in Portland, Oregon, used our plans for The Garden Ark mobile chicken coop to build a rabbit hutch for her two pet rabbits. While the ark works well for this in both size and functionality, there are some things you’d need to modify to make it work for bunnies. To get the discussion going, here are some tips Heidi sent in for others thinking of doing the same. 

Heidi writes:

We love our Garden Coop, so when we added bunnies to our household pets, we thought it would be nice to have two structures in the yard that look good together. So we purchased the plans and hardware kit for The Garden Ark and modified the design a bit to turn it into a rabbit hutch.

We built a ramp and made the egg door bigger. We also moved the big doors to the rear as that fit our needs better for where we put it in the yard. We learned that bunnies chew everything, so we should have built the ramp supports out of metal so that they couldn’t chew them up. Also, an even bigger egg door would’ve made it easier to clean out the litter box.

Henhouse of the Garden Ark turned into a rabbit hutch.

Double doors on the side of the rabbit hutch and run of the Garden Ark modified for rabbits.

Ramp for the rabbits to get from their hutch to the enclosed grazing area.

Thanks to Heidi for sharing her notes and pictures! Do you keep rabbits in your chicken coop? Have any key tips on how to modify a coop to work for rabbits? Please let us know with a comment below.


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