Kerry’s “EggPlant” Built Using The Basic Coop Chicken Coop Plans

Two boys and a woman stand near a purple chicken coop called The EggPlant which they built using The Basic Coop plans

Kerry and her boys used our plans for The Basic Coop stand-alone chicken coop to build a new coop for their growing flock. The rest of this post comes directly from her. . . 

What else do you do when you’re planning for a few weeks of quarantine? Build a new coop, of course!

I knew the virus and the inevitable shut-in/shutdowns were coming our way, so I purchased all the supplies quite a while before the boys (7 and 10) were off school. We then spent our afternoons measuring and cutting, using drills and screwdrivers. We’ve had a lot of fun.  

It took only a few weeks to build it, working leisurely. The longest and most fun was to paint and decorate it.

Small purple chicken coop with two chickens painted on the side

We successfully moved the new coop in, which we dubbed “The EggPlant,” and prepped The Garden Ark (which we dubbed “The Mini Coop”). We closed off the Mini to the older hens and opened the EggPlant to them. Within a few minutes, they were eagerly checking it out. When we went in a few hours later, the egg boxes were in full use! They had been laying in their bed in the Mini. This was an exciting breakthrough.  

Chicken coop with exterior nesting box and a decorative sign painted on the side that reads Farm Fresh Butt Nuggets

I added the exterior nesting box, mostly to give more square footage inside the coop itself. Also, we have been having a “where are the eggs” issue, and I hoped this would help. 

The plans indicated putting the nest box on the egg door side. I was loathe to cut a perfectly intact piece of plywood when the back already was cut in half. Only slight modifications were needed to make this work. I wish now that the lid opened — it’s a low reach to access the front panel.  

Purple chicken coop built from The Basic Coop stand-alone chicken coop plans

All in all we are thrilled with the newest coop. I am still amazed I can make anything like this. Your plans are so well planned out and easy to follow. I think there was only once or twice that I called you a “Mr. Doody-Head”  and had to primal scream. But I am way proud of myself and what I can make — and the girls love it. And The Garden Ark is just perfect for a grow-out pen for the teen girls.

Now my sons want me to build another one — only for them! I think our unplanned peacocks want in on this too. Another day.

Kerry, Finn, Graham, and the girls: Mimi, May, Helen Mirin, Martha Washington, Loretta Lynn, and the new batch of chickie babes. 

Many thanks to Kerry and family for sharing their pictures and ideas. By the way, here’s a picture of the boys taken years earlier as they helped mom build The Garden Ark: 

Two boys play in a backyard chicken coop that is under construction

Like what they’ve built? Please let them know with a comment below. Then browse more of our Make It Your Own coop profiles.


3 thoughts on “Kerry’s “EggPlant” Built Using The Basic Coop Chicken Coop Plans”

  1. Love Love Love the the story behind the build…Absolutely delightful!!! Well Done Kerry and Company!!! Can’t wait to see your next project.


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